CONCRETE SPRIG | concrete revegetation

Developer: XTU Lab

Description:To respond to environmental challenges, XTU’s research is geared towards the symbiosis between buildings and living things. Green concrete is a concrete response to these challenges.

The physico-chemical properties of a conventional concrete do not meet the conditions allowing favorable development of plants over time. XTU has identified these bottlenecks and tested various solutions to overcome them. The different components of a green concrete facade form a matrix, each of whose elements has been considered to form an optimized system. In-depth work on substrates suitable for hydroseeding was carried out as well as on the grain size and draining properties of concrete. A range of species to be adapted locally has also been defined to contribute significantly to the biodiversity of the place and to ensure lasting plant cover.

Objective: fight against the heat island phenomenon

Partners: Calcia, Tandem Urbain, Roland Cahen

Team: project directors: Mathias Lukacs + Pierre-Arthur Thibaudeau, Jeremy

exhibited at the architecture gallery in paris